H yper
T ext
M arkup
L anguage
It took me a lot of time and money to gain the knowledge of useful html tag to Bloggers.
Most senior bloggers and webmasters are exploiting those that are new to this business, and i don't blame them. So if you have been struggling with basic html knowledge, here is a little help
1. HyperLink = < a > and the href attribute describes where the link is pointing to . E.g . <# h r e f =" http: //" > Dating, Relationship and Health Advice < / a > what will display as a clickable text is only "Dating, Relationship and Health Advice
. Other part of it , is the "rel ="nofollow" attribute, ideal for external content (for affiliate link and link to other site that are not yours). It is also important to display external content in a new Tab. The attribute for that is "target ="_blank", this will make the link open in a new tab. So in all we have this , <# h r ef ="" rel =" nofollow " target =" _blank "> Dating, Relatinship and Health Advice < / a > (replace "#" with "a") Try this yourself and see the result you will get. This Tutorial Continues
. Other part of it , is the "rel ="nofollow" attribute, ideal for external content (for affiliate link and link to other site that are not yours). It is also important to display external content in a new Tab. The attribute for that is "target ="_blank", this will make the link open in a new tab. So in all we have this , <# h r ef ="" rel =" nofollow " target =" _blank "> Dating, Relatinship and Health Advice < / a > (replace "#" with "a") Try this yourself and see the result you will get. This Tutorial Continues
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