This Article will teach you how to get FREE Targeted Website Traffic That Will help boost your website or blog Search Engine Ranking.
High Points:
*. How to get targeted traffic to you website or Blog
*. The type of Website or Blog Traffic That Will improve your Search Engine Ranking
*. Top search engine ranking and fast page indexing strategy.
If your website or blog has been struggling to get free and quality daily traffic. Not getting enough/any traffic from search engine or your pages are not being indexed by google and other popular search engine.
Here are few things to do to
increase your website traffic.
Get more of your pages indexed by search engine.
And get daily
targeted website traffic from search engine to your online content
Submit your Website URL to all the popular and less popular Search Engine. Like
Bing, Yahoo Directories...
Search for
Free Url Submit for more option on how to submit your Website or blog url for Free.
Be unique in your niche, post unique content coz unique content makes you to stand out in your chosen niche
Post Rich quality content. What ever you are offering the online community(your website or blog visitors) must be of a great quality, less people will not like to visit your page again after the first visit.
Benefits Of Rich Quality Content:
-(A). Quality Content attracts more visitors to your Website
-(B). More sharing, most people will love to share your quality content with their friends on social media sites.
-(C) free Backlink, most webmasters or other bloggers on your niche will like to link to your post on their own blog post(this means more target traffic to your page and improved ranking, coz the more quality backlinks your website or blog gets, the more your ranking increases). You can see that the benefits of a quality content is so enormous.
4. Join a Facebook or other social networking sites group that is related to your niche and start sharing your content (if the group is relevant to your content then every traffic from there adds value to your page).
4-B. Create a Facebook, google plus or Twitter page for your website/blog and start sharing quality Content to attract followers that will guarantee traffic back to your website. You must learn how to utilize this marketing channel coz if you don't, you will only be wasting your time and resources.
How To Drive Traffic Back to your WebPage or Content from Facebook Page or Group
A. Make use of an eye-catching and mind-gluing irresistible Caption.
B. Make use of images, attach photo or any image to support your point (don't forget to Tag as many friends as you wish to the image).
C. Don't complete your message/information. e.g If you have a post on your website that says
"7 Ways To Drive Targeted Free Traffic To your Website Or Blog". Do not share all the 7 points on the Page or group, just share 3 or 4 and include a link back to the original content on your blog. if the Caption and the few points you've shared are Unique, Rich and of great importance, many people will love to click on the link to read up the article (Don't forget to Hash Tag (#) your keywords, it helps your post to appear on search).
Email and Forum Signature: add your Website/blog url to your email/forum signature. (Include few keyword or your page title to Drive Targeted traffic).
In Part 2 Of This article(How to get Free Targeted Traffic that will Improve your Website/BLog Search Engine Ranking), I will be sharing the following with you:
5. Traffic Exchange
6. Link Exchange/Sharing
7. SEO: Search Engine Optimization.
watch Out for it...coming sooooooon!