It will be on your own interest if you take the following advice seriously. Your Vote or Your Life, which is more important to you?
1. It's better to cast your vote and head straight home.
A. The polity is very hot
B. You can't even defend your vote unarmed.
C. Political parties and Politicians have armed their thugs with sophisticated weapons...if anything goes wrong, u may loose your life on the process.
D. ECOWAS, AU, EU, UN election observers, local and foreign journalist are also going to be on ground to monitor the elections. Even political party agents are also going to monitor the exercise, so what else will you be doing there?.
E. 2 Police officers on a polling boot can not withstand the pressure of 300 to 500 people. And if the game gets dirty in a polling center, I bet you the police men will disappear with their gun and you will be left
on your own to defend either ur vote, life or u loose both.
2. Never you attempt dying for any political party, coz they are all one big family. Just that once the whistle goes on it looks as if they are at war, certainly not, coz after the elections most of the politicians will still JUMP OVER to the other party for appointments and contracts(don't be a fool).
3. If any politician gives you money and arms to go kill anyone. collect the money and arms/ammunition, keep the money for yourself (it's national cake) but hand the arms over to the Army(coz I trust them more than the Black Uniform Force).
Vote and live to enjoy the good of the land. A dead you can't see the Nigeria of your dreams.
Be Wise, Be Careful, coz I Love you all so much and I don wanna miss or weep over any of you.
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