Keep the fire upon your Alter burning till your last breath.
Let Us Pray: Almighy Father we wanna bless your name today for yet another previlege to study your word, let the entrance of your word bring light and let it bring understanding unto the simple, in Jesus Name We've prayed. Amen.
PSALM 91:16 "WIth long life will i satisfy him, and show him my salvation."(KJV)
God has assured you of longavity, what will you be doing for him during these years?, what will you give him in return?. Alexandre Dumas when he was asked "How do you grow old so gracefully?" replied and said "because i give all my time to it." if you are fifty and above, instead of date on a calender, let your age be measured with your spiritual progress.
Enoch lived for 365 years, Enoch walked with God all the days o f his life, he lived for God, he enjoyed God's presence daily and finally God took him away, he never knew death. What a glorious exit for Enoch. What about you?, how do you want your end to be. Are you banking on your old glory, accomplishments and exploits for God?, Joshua defeated 31 Kings, possessed their land and retired, he felt he had achieved a lot but God told him and still telling you today
"...there remaineth yet much land to be possessed" (Joshua 13:1 KJV). Do you think there are no more people to preach to?.
There is no Retirement age in heavens army, fire on, the commander in chief is solidly behind you always to make the mission easy for you. Many are still waiting to recieve the good news with joy and gladness, reach out to them today. The only way to live for God until your last breath is in
MATTHEW 28:19-20.
Source and Inspiration : The Word For Today(GSAF) and The Holy Spirit.
Heaven is Real, Hell is also Real.
Accept Jesus Today
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