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» »Unlabelled » Recognize And Walk In God's Will PT.2

"Let Your Mind Be Focused Spiritually And Ready Also To Obey God's Will".

A carnal man is controlled by his flesh, he has no power over his own flesh. Such fellow can not be able to withstand the temptation to sin. Let Us Pray : Almighty Father we want to thank you again for yet another previlege given to us to study your word today. Father, through your word this hour, please teach us to do your will and empower us to live above flesh in Jesus Name. Amen. ROMANS 8:6. "FOR TO BE CARNALLY MINDED IS DEATH: BUT TO BE SPIRITUALLY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE" KJV.

If you are still living in carnality, it means that you are still wearing the old man. Even as a christian who has been going to church for over 5 years, you can still be in this position. It has nothing to do with the church you attend or how long you have been attending that church.

It has got to do with the state of your heart. Are you still carrying the heart of stone? You can not do the will of God (EZEK.36:26).

A regenerated man lives and thirsts after the things of the spirit, because the heart of stone has been taken away and replaced with the heart of Flesh (which can do the will of God). He has recieved power to live above sin, everything in such live has become new (2corinth.5:17).

Peter could identify Jesus as the Son Of The Living God because he was spiritully well positioned to recieve from God. Are you?. Carnality led Judas to betray the King of Glory, the devil was able to infiltrate his heart, because it was not spiritually guarded.

Let me leave you with this scripture. This will serve as a mirror to you. Galatians 5:19-21, describes the Carnal man, so if you find those things writen there, manifesting in your life, cry to God now to save you.
(V22-23) of that same scripture, describes the spiritual man, and that is what God expect from you and I. Only those who belong to this class could Recognise and Walk in the will of God.

Source and Inspiration : The Word For Today(GSAF) and The Holy Spirit.

Heaven is Real, Hell is also Real. Accept Jesus Christ Today

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