"Once you accept that he is the Leader and you are the follower", it becomes so easy to do his will.
Let Us Pray, Almighty father we bless your name for today, please dear lord, grant us understanding of your word this hour in Jesus Name. Amen.
PROVERBS 3:6. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths". KJV
"If you do not understand the will of God, it becomes an avenue for insecurity, but when you are sure that you are walking on the will of the master, you become so bold as the Lion". Walking in God's will makes the jorney of life so easy, it guarantees maximum security, provision and speed. Look at what Jesus himself said
"I can of my own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the father which hath sent me "(John 5:30. KJV). Are you willing and ready to surrender your own will an follow God's will?. That is the only way to go about it. Your own will can fail you but God's will can never (there is no mistake in God). Source and Inspiration : The Word For Today(GSAF) and The Holy Spirit.
Heaven is Real, Hell is also Real.
Accept Jesus Today
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