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Principalities, Powers, Poverty, Lack, Diseases all bow down to the Master.
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus we thank you, we appreciate you for the grace to see another beautiful day like this, may your name be praised forever. Father teach us your word this hour, and take all the glory in Jesus Name we've prayed. Amen.

LUKE 5:5 "And Simon answering said unto him, "MASTER", we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net."
They were consumed by their predicament, they had toiled all night without a catch. Disappointment, frustration and sense of failure has taken over there life, at that point it was all over, because they were already washing their nets. That was when The Master showed up.

Jesus waited for them to exhaust all their wisdom, expertise and strength. Why? Because as long as you still think you can solve your problems on your own, you can't reach out for the Master. Have you been completely overwhelmed by situations a circumstances that sorrounds your life?

Probably you now belong to the group of those who are saying "is God truly alive"? Is he really seeing all that is happening to me? Can't he see that i was falsely accused and sacked? You can continue that all day, but that will do you more harm than good.

Only what is required of you, is to go down on your knees before the Master and ask him to take over. Then, learn to obey every of his word, even when it makes no sense. Peter was an expert in fishing yet he said "Master, at your word i will let down the net" and he did, look at the result of total obedience to God. A net braking and Ship sinking Testimony (v 6-7).

Beloved, there is nothing difficult for God to do in your life, the problem is with you. You have practically refuse to allow him take over, you are still struggling with him. The Master will allow you to exhaust your ability before he steps in.

Surrender all to him today, because he has a better plan for you (Jerem. 29:11).

Source and Inspiration : The Word For Today(GSAF) and The Holy Spirit.

Heaven is Real, Hell is also Real. Accept Jesus Today

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  1. The Master over all is Jesus. The MASTER of all masters. Well done Buchi


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