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» » Create No Room For Bitterness

Unresolved Hurt Can Lead To Bitterness

Most times people hurt us in a way that it provoke us to Anger, and when nothing is done to it, the Pain remains there. The more you see such fellow move freely around you, the more you wish he/she where dead, and when nothing evil seems to be happening to such fellow, your heart continues to burn for revenge and this is the geneology of Bitterness and it can birth many other evil thoughts and actions.
Let Us Pray: Almighty Father we thank you for yet another privilege to study your word, Father please teach us this hour your ways, and deliver us from every spirit of Bitterness in Jesus Name. Amen.


Bitterness, can destroy a city and the war of bitterness can be transfered to the next generations. This Cold Blooded Bitterness War can move from one generation to another.

A certain guy got a lady pregnant and abandoned her to her own fate, the lady was rejected by her family and sent to the street to suffer. In summary she gave birth to the child, (a male child). She lived with the pain and agony for years, and when it's time for the child to get married, it was from the family of the same man, the woman faught against it and the battle continues.
. If you allow the seed of bitterness to grow into a might tree in your life, it will end up destroying you. Do you think if that lady had died, she will make heaven? No way!. When you allow bitterness to grow it will deny you of many good gifts from God and man.

Give no room to bitterness in your life, "Forgive those who hurt you even as God forgives you of your own sins". Forget about all hurt, do not allow Anger to creep in and finally move ahead and don't forget to always pray for such fellow.

The reason why people hurt you and fail to apologize, is ignorant and it may also be a delibrate attempt from the kingdom of darkness to defile you. Coz they know that when they succeed in hurting you so badly, it will affect your Prayer Alter and Fire, which will cut you off from heaven's supply and cage your soul for hell.

Vengeance is of God, let him fight for you while you hold your peace. (Rom. 12:19). You can not do it better than God, let him take care of it for you. Keep Bitterness far from your domain, study, meditate and live by the word of God.

Source and Inspiration : The Word For Today(GSAF) and The Holy Spirit.

Heaven is Real, Hell is also Real. Accept Jesus Today

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